Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long Overdue Update

So maybe I'm not so great at this blogging thing ha. It has been quite a while and I think it is time to update on what's going on in my life at this very moment.

A change of thinking has happened to me and has made me desire to transform my mind. I have realized that I need to have complete devotion to God and I haven't always had that. To be honest I haven't had that all year it seems. I pray that God will change my heart as I desire to have his heart. Pray for me as I strive to be more like Him. I've been making up excuses on why I don't have time to seek after Him such as; "I'm way too busy" or "I'm just too tired". Both of these excuses have been the downfall in the decrease of my relationship with God.

Anyways I'm loving life and trying to find an internship right now. I might have one so pray for me! I'm excited about big things that will be happening next year, God willing, and I will keep you informed. Stay tuned!

-Desmond Blue

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's About TIme

So's been a while, as I was so well informed by my girlfriend, Jill. Well alot has happened since I last wrote. Jill has graduated from college after a ridiculous amount of work, umm I'm finally at home! We got a break from basketball for about 10 days which is unheard of. I'm not complaining. What I want to complain about is that I got the flu or strep of some sort two days after I got home. I was planning to get back in shape by eating better and working out everyday and I had been upholding this routine until disaster hit.

On Saturday I played basketball and began to notice that I was feeling a bit under the weather. By the time I got home my whole body had begun to stiffen up and all my muscles got tight. I wondered if I didn't stretch enough but that wasn't it. I decided to go to bed early thinking that would help. That night I couldn't sleep and my throat was KILLING me. I could barely talk or walk so I just lay bedridden for the whole day on Sunday. I went to the doctor today and they told me the test won't be in until tomorrow. They told me to stay off my feet and drink lots of fluids.. There goes my best workout plan of the century

SO other than that everything's been just dandy. EXCEPT that I miss my girlfriend. I have a good feeling about her and I. She's the only reason I can't wait to get back to Georgia ha.

Anyways that's it for right now. Hopefully next time I'll be writing my new blog sitting up instead of laying in a bed.

Season's Greetings

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ummm......Let's Try This Again

So these past few days/weeks have been a blur. After the season started there was no slowing down although we haven't had a real practice since the 5th of November. So far we're doing pretty well. We're 5-0 and ranked number three in the nation. Not bad if you ask me. Right now we are in the middle of nowhere it seems in Klamath Falls, Oregon about to play in a tournament versus some of the top teams in the country. Supposedly our game on Saturday is going to be one of the premier games this year. This trip has definitely been an odd one. We drove the two hours up to Nashville and flew to LAX and then to Reno where we stayed in the Atlantis Casino Resort. It was pretty much amazing.

On to other parts of life:
Girls: Still just have one. I'm a fan of her. I miss her and it's only been 2 days...go figure. She talks to me at 4 in the morning and her favorite flower is the phalaenopsis orchid.

School: Well I haven't been in a week and some days because we've been on the road. I still don't have a real passion for it..

Friends: I have some of the finest in the world. Murray, my teammate and my best friend is actually here with me.

Spirtually: I've actually been at a standstill for a while now it seems. I am determined to allow God to be the head in my life once again. It scares me to lead my own life because of how unworthy I am. I pray that God will reveal Himself to me not just for show but just for me. Pray for me to have an unashamed, undignified, passion for Him.

Right about now I don't have too much on my mind but just decided to write since I had some time. I apologize for being so random.

Quote of the Day:
I decided to write my own quote off the top of my head (I know, random)

"If I was a car I wouldn't wanna be a trash truck"

Friday, October 31, 2008

Let's Call This One....''The Second Blog'' Yeah..Simple But Yet Descriptiive

So yeah basketball season is about to begin and after countless hours of practice and conditioning our first game is coming up on Nov. 1, 2008. It literally seems like forever away still because of the bumps and bruises it took to get this far. Right now I pause to look back on how far I've come through God and how it was all actually worth it. This applies to not only the basketball aspect but also to a life standpoint. I've been through issues dealing with relationships, school, sports, family, and pretty much everything else there is to deal with so it's amazing to see how far I've come. One of the most amazing things that has happened to me is my relationship with Ms. Jill Hammond.

My first two years at Lee University started off fine as I was new to the college scene. I had everything going for me especially since I was on the basketball team. To make this short there were many trials I went through these couple years that led me to depend on Christ and nothing else. As things got worse and my past relationship got worse I realized that it wasn't the right time for me to be in a relationship. After almost 2 years of hard times pushing through and reverting back to the same old struggles, the relationship ended. This was definitely devastating to me being this was my only relationship in college and I definitely struggled to move on as she had. Since I was 17 when I started college I knew that I had alot of life left to live after the relationship and I continued to seek after God. The summer after my sophomore year I ended up working at a camp that is a part of Kanakuk called Kids Across America which is for inner-city youth. I went there knowing that this was what I needed to be doing at the time. Getting away from the struggles of college was what I needed to do.

The camp itself was amazing. I believe that it benefited me more than the kids actually simply because of all the God-fearing men and women working there. Seeing their passion for kids and their heart after God's own heart convicted me to follow in the same manner. Coming into college I had no idea what God had in store for my life or what he would have me to do but after my time there at the KAA it was clear. To love kids the way he loves us. I realized I had a passion for kids and it became apparent that I need to start a sports camp for kids after graduating college.

After coming back from a mind transformation I was ready to live my life without any relationship and work simply on just God and I. This was my goal because of something I learned at camp about relationships. One speaker said that there is more to Proverbs 18:22 than what meets the eye. It simply states: "He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing.." The word 'findeth' in Hebrew means literally 'to stumble upon'. This helped me not to even look at any woman until God set my eyes on her. When I came back from camp I noticed I had a voicemail in my inbox from a girl. My BFF we called each other ha. It just said that she hoped I had a wonderful time at camp and that she was thinking about me and praying for me. Even though that was just a nice little message I saved it in my inbox for some reason. That voicemail came at the right time because that week was one of the hardest of the summers.

At the begining of the school year my 'BFF' and I decided to hang out and catch up. We were both just getting out of rough relationships and were definitely not looking to date again for a long while. With this in mind I take you to our second time hanging out. Imagine talking about everything under the sun at a local imagine doing this at midnite. After talking until 7am nonstop going from IHOP to talk and watch the sun rise and talking until 9am...From what I've experienced in past years, this type of thing doesn't happen often. We litterally talked for 9 hours without an akward moment. To make a long story short, this girl and I are now dating and have been for about a month and a half and i've never experienced such peace with a relationship in my entire life. I intend to enjoy every minute of it while treating her like the queen she is..I intend for both of us to rise together from the dust of our past and partake in a new life..after all, that is what you do when you 'stumble' right?

Monday, September 29, 2008

My First Time..

Well it's my first time blogging ever ha. I didn't even know how to create one but thanks to Jill it's all done. So this is what blogging is like.....interesting. Well it's about 12:30am right now and I have another thrilling day of college ahead of me starting off with basketball practice before the crack of dawn at 6:45am. Believe me, it's the best part of my day..check LIFE. So I'm thinking...maybe I should get some rest and start this another day when I actually have something to say.