Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long Overdue Update

So maybe I'm not so great at this blogging thing ha. It has been quite a while and I think it is time to update on what's going on in my life at this very moment.

A change of thinking has happened to me and has made me desire to transform my mind. I have realized that I need to have complete devotion to God and I haven't always had that. To be honest I haven't had that all year it seems. I pray that God will change my heart as I desire to have his heart. Pray for me as I strive to be more like Him. I've been making up excuses on why I don't have time to seek after Him such as; "I'm way too busy" or "I'm just too tired". Both of these excuses have been the downfall in the decrease of my relationship with God.

Anyways I'm loving life and trying to find an internship right now. I might have one so pray for me! I'm excited about big things that will be happening next year, God willing, and I will keep you informed. Stay tuned!

-Desmond Blue

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm so proud of you. You continue to inspire and uplift me by sharing your heart. I love you so much honey!
Can't wait to marry you!!